A remota cidade de Diamantina,
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no estado brasileiro de Minas
Gerais nos leva direto para trás no tempo (século XVII). Fundada sobre a
Estrada Real (Caminho Real) que ligava Minas Gerais com os portos de Santos e
Paraty para que gemas, diamantes e ouro fossem transportadas para a glória da família real.
A cidade prosperou e foi concebida com belas igrejas,
administração e edifícios militares, escolas e tudo mais. Criou-se,
inevitavelmente, o seu perfil cultural (junto com as outras grandes cidades de
Minas) pedindo o elemento barroco da metrópole, e a misturando com a imaginação
dos artistas e tradições locais. Especialmente no campo da músicalmente religioso
como era o costume. O Barroco Mineiro, o estilo particular que abrange também a
arquitetura, escultura e pintura dando resultados muito tocantes.
José Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita nasceu em Diamantina
(foi chamado Arraial do Tejuco naquela época) .Ele aparece na história em 1772
como o organista na igreja de Santo Antonio, hoje a Catedral, (o grande igreja
branca com um pouco de cinza na pintura etons azuis, primeiro nas fotos). Ele
também trabalhou em outras igrejas (Igreja do Carmo, a segunda nas fotos) antes
de migrar, em 1798 para Ouro Preto, provavelmente por motivos financeiros em razão do declínio extrativista do diamante,
e onde permanece profissionalmente ativo na nova cidade para, em seguida,
desaparecer do palco da história em 1800
Deixou 15 composições, onde se pode ver claramente que ele era um homem
talentoso que estudou muito a pontuação dos seus colegas europeus compositores.
Das muitas fotos que tirei, neste vídeo apresento o lado
religioso do presente fora deste mundo daquela pacífica cidade mineira. Estamos
ouvindo ''Antifona de Nossa senhora`` ou''Salve Rainha`` (louvores à Virgem
Maria) interpretado pela:
de Canto Coral do Rio de Janeiro
Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
Edoardo de
Guarnieri, condutor 1958Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
Tenham um bom tempo.
Do YouTube:
The remote city of Diamantina in the brazilian state of Minas Gerais drives us straight backward into the 18th century.It was founded on the Royal Route (Caminho Real) which linked Minas Gerais with the ports of São Paulo so that gems,diamonds and gold were transported to reach their final destination .Portugal of course, for the glory of its kings.
The city prospered and was granted with beautiful churches,administration and
military buildings,schools and the rest. It created inevitably its cultural
profile (along with the other bigger cities of Minas) borrowing the baroque
element of the metropolis and mingling it with the imagination of local artists
and traditions. This is what also happenned in the field of music, mainly
religious as it was the custom. The Barroco Mineiro,the particular style which
also embraces architecture, sculpture and painting giving very touching
results, was born here, too.
Jose Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita was born in Diamantina (it was called Arraial do Tejuco at that time).He appears in history in 1772 as the organist in the church of Santo Antonio ,nowadays the Cathedral,(the big white church with some grey-blue paint,first in the photos). He also worked in other churches (igreja do Carmo, the second one in the photos) before migrating, in 1798, at Ouro Preto probably for financial reasons since the diamond minning was declining. He remained professionally active in the new city and then disappeared from the stage of history in 1800 .He left 15 compositions where one can clearly see that he was a talented man who studied hard the scores of his european fellow composers.
Of course, i took lots of photos, there. In this video I present the religious side of this out this world, peaceful town.
We are listenig to the ´´antifona de nossa senhora`` or ´´salve regina`` (praises to the Virgin Mary) interpatated by the:
Associacao de Canto Coral do Rio de Janeiro
Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
Edoardo de Guarnieri, conductor
Have a nice time.
Jose Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita was born in Diamantina (it was called Arraial do Tejuco at that time).He appears in history in 1772 as the organist in the church of Santo Antonio ,nowadays the Cathedral,(the big white church with some grey-blue paint,first in the photos). He also worked in other churches (igreja do Carmo, the second one in the photos) before migrating, in 1798, at Ouro Preto probably for financial reasons since the diamond minning was declining. He remained professionally active in the new city and then disappeared from the stage of history in 1800 .He left 15 compositions where one can clearly see that he was a talented man who studied hard the scores of his european fellow composers.
Of course, i took lots of photos, there. In this video I present the religious side of this out this world, peaceful town.
We are listenig to the ´´antifona de nossa senhora`` or ´´salve regina`` (praises to the Virgin Mary) interpatated by the:
Associacao de Canto Coral do Rio de Janeiro
Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
Edoardo de Guarnieri, conductor
Have a nice time.
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